Academic Year Mathematics
Our calculus class goes well beyond mechanics and calculators, and provides students a rigorous understanding of the fundamental operations of calculus, delivering a first-year calculus course like those students would find at a top-tier university. Students completing our calculus course will be in an excellent position to apply their new skills to physics, economics, engineering, and more advanced mathematics.
Homework and exams
Students should expect to spend 1-3 hours on homework every week. Homework will be assigned and completed through the class website, where students receive immediate feedback on their work. Students will take three in-class exams throughout the course.
The textbook for the course is Calculus by Art of Problem Solving.
Hardcopy and lifetime digital access to the online version of the textbook are included in the tuition and fees of this course.
Sample Problems
Below are examples of some of the types of problems that students will encounter in our Calculus course.